"Kenzie Goes to School" is available for order in softcover and eBook versions.
Description: Kenzie had an amazing summer; she went on so many adventures.
Now that summer is over, Kenzie starts to get a little nervous about the first day of school. She learns it's ok to be nervous (and excited) and all about the awesome things she'll do at school!
Sample pages:
"All the Things I Love" is available for order in softcover and eBook versions.
Description: Kenzie loves so many things. She loves treats! She loves chasing squirrels! She loves playing with her friends! She loves rocking out in her band! Kenzie has so much love; she wants to share it with you.
Think about all the things you love and share them with your friends and family!
Sample pages:
"Kenzie's Big Adventure" is available for order in softcover and eBook versions.
Description: Kenzie is really good at begging. She's so good that she was able to convince her Dad that she's responsible enough to adopt her own pet.
When Kenzie arrives at the rescue center, she is overwhelmed by all the different animals she could adopt. When Kenzie finally chooses, her Dad reminds her that taking care of a pet is no easy task.
"Kenzie's Big Adventure" is available for order in softcover and eBook versions.
Description: While on her daily walk, Kenzie runs into her friend Waddles. Waddles is upset because he’s lost and needs help finding his Mom. Kenzie is always up for an adventure, so she agrees to help Waddles find his way home.
"Kenzie and the Scary Monster" will be available for order in softcover and eBook versions.
Description: On a dark and cloudy night, Kenzie is awoken by the sound of a monster sobbing. Marvin the Monster is upset because everyone is scared of him. People run and scream whenever they see him. Kenzie sets out on an adventure to try and show the world that Marvin is more than a scary monster!"When Kenzie Grows Up" is available for order from Amazon in softcover format.
Description: Join Kenzie the Fuzzbucket on one of her many colorful adventures!
This coloring book has twenty-five pages of fun! When you're done with your
masterpiece, share your work with us for a chance to be featured on our
Kenzie would love to see what you came up with!